A Little Occupied

So my days lately (since July 21st) have been filled with this sweet bundle:

Which for now means I might be MIA for a little while. But I won't take too long of a break. Especially since I can't keep my camera off my hip with all of his cuteness. I'll be posting those as they come!


Sarah said...
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Sarah said...

Congrats! He's precious! I love how sweet sleeping babies look!

Susan said...

Grammie says I am so glad Mommy took you home in the little blankie I made for you with alot of love. My sweet little Tyler. I love you so much!

Victorya said...

I love your photos and appreciate your talent so much. Maybe you can help me by telling how may I make a bit of order between thousands of photo I have ? I mean how to organize them? Thank you so much.
PS If you have a little time ,please read about my" talent" and leave a comment
Thanks again