I heart faces: Fix-it-Friday

Over at I heart faces every Friday is called Fix-it-Friday (I just learned this today!) A picture is submitted for everyone to edit, just for practice and to see what can come of it. A picture is hardly ever finished fresh out of the camera. And though I personally don't like doing too much, it usually can use a little boost, and sometimes a little more! So I thought I'd try out this week's Fix-it-Friday photo and see what I could come up with. And also to show the difference in what a little time spent editing can do.

Quite a difference, huh?

1 comment:

Sheila said...

Wow! serious? I'm so impressed!

Soooo, I was wondering if you could send that CD from UT to me when you get a sec.??? Let me know if you need my address. LOVE YOU! ***I really appreciate it Angela!!***