Fix It Friday

I love this picture! It's hardly needing anything, but of course a little playing makes it pop and stand out even more. I love photoshop and editing tools because you can adjust a picture to fit the room you are going to hang it in or the mood of the image.

Original Image: 

My color edit: 

My black and white edit:

Just a little note to future clients... I love it when people let me know what they are looking for in their finished product because it helps me edit to fit their style! And sometimes you don't know, but some like a picture more saturated and vibrant, while others like the more vintagey look that's so popular these days. I usually do mainly what I think best fits the client, the colors and clothes they're wearing, and the mood of the shot. But when a client comes into a shoot and let's me know exactly what they're "picturing" it helps me edit more for that particular person/group. Of course, I'll always do what I think is going to look best in the end anyway, but you know what I'm saying... =)

Happy Valentines Day

Hope your week's been filled with lots of LOVE, flowers and yummy chocolate!

But hopefully not as much chocolate as my week's been filled with!!

Fix It Friday


My Edit:  

I thought the what made this whole photo was her cute little face, her eyes, and the little hand that she held under her chin. So I really wanted to bring attention to those things with this crop. Then major lightening was needed, a little vintage overlay and a sepia filter. I sharpened her eyes just a little and added a vignette to draw us into her face even more. And voilla! I think I would hang this picture if it was my daughter! =)

Valentine's Day Sale

Just trying to spread the love! =)

**And just to clarify, you just have to book a session, not have one scheduled before Valentine's Day!
If you want to order prints and need some prices send me an email. Also, if you want to book a future session for that $50 credit, send me an email as well... picturesbyas{at}aol{dot}com.

Fix It Friday

I wanted to try this fix, mainly to see what I could do with the color that was terribly orange. In the end, I liked just taking it to an old fashioned black and white. I never really liked any of the outcomes of the color. Soemtimes I do this with my own work, instead of taking a poorly color-balanced picture and spending 20 minutes on trying to edit it to look just right, I just flip it to black and white and start making adjustments from there. Much quicker, and I'm usually much happier with the outcome.

So here's the original:

And my edit: 

I cropped it in a bit so you could focus more on the baby's cute face and two teeth. I got rid of just a touch of the picture frame that was still showing in the right corner. It was a little distracting for me. Softened up her face a little, then sharpened it just a tad. I like the black and white with a little bit of the sepia on top. It gives it a creamy look.

And I think it's definitely a frameable picture now! See what you can do by downloading the picture from